We have carefully checked our website and make every effort to ensure that it is up to date and that new information is added on an ongoing basis. We cannot, however, accept any liability for errors, omissions or lack of topicality.
Published by:
Solar-Planit Software GmbH
Eisenbahnstraße 150
D-72072 Tübingen
Tel +49 7071 98987-0
Fax +49 7071 98987-10
Email: solar-planit@baywa-re.de
Registered Office:
Munich, Germany
Stuttgart Registry Court, HRB 787058
Ust-IDNr.: DE 356 712 217
Managing Director:
Dr. Kathrin Dengler-Roscher
Information according to § 36 of the German Act on the Settlement of Consumer Disputes (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz, VSBG):
Our subsidiary company Solar Planit Software GmbH is neither obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure in front of a consumer conciliation committee nor will it voluntarily take part in such a procedure.
Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
The copyright holder of all texts, photos and logos available on this website is BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH. We grant you the right to publish downloaded photos only in connection with the marketing of our products. The reproduction of downloaded files, photos and logos requires the express consent of BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH.
In addition, the source reference BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems GmbH is mandatory for any publication of our texts and press photos.